Soul Truths: The Journey from Grief to Peace
Soul Truths: The Journey from Grief to Peace is an inspirational guide book written for those who are on a journey of grief. The grief journey can be long and painful. Soul Truths leads you through a true journey from grief to peace.
Christine Marie's son Brendon passed on in May 2012. Taking insights from her own experiences with grief, Soul Truths outlines the journey back - how to shift and move forward through the grief journey, leading you to a place of peace.
Soul Truth takes the reader on a spiritual journey that all can relate to, without focusing on religion, rather on the Soul's Journey. Soul Truths includes insights and messages from loved ones who have passed on back to Spirit.
The insight and guidance provided in Soul Truths are powerful tools that can help those who are on the grief journey, and perhaps suffering, moving from this place of pain to space of peace.
More than just an informational book, Soul Truths provides insights to the workings of the inner mind, the unconscious mind, and how belief systems impact the grief journey and can keep you imprisoned in the grief journey for years.
The assortment of heart centering, mind calming practices provide the reader with the keys to make this journey from grief to peace.
This book is heartfelt and kind and will be an invaluable tool for readers of all spiritual backgrounds who are looking to seek peace from their journey of grief.