Soul Truths: The Journey from Grief to Peace Discover Life After Life

Episode 1: Based on the book “Soul Truths, The Journey from Grief to Peace”. This episodes explores Life After Life
What are your beliefs on death? Are they based in a finality? What if you are creating your state of mind based on your beliefs?
How can it help you to utilize “what if thinking”? It opens you to different perspectives of your loved one’s passing. What if you some how had planned every aspect of your life? What if your loved one had planned their life in this way? Death is a birth. You can be empowered to move to peace by how you believe.
As we process grief, often we can experience the need to work through forgiveness. Perhaps forgiveness of yourself or forgiveness of your loved one. In the next episode we explore how forgiveness is truly a gift you give yourself.
Episode 1 Life After Life
This hypnotic journey was created to assist you in your journey to releasing the deep grief one can hold inside the body after experiencing the passing over of a loved one.
Healing the Grieving Heart
Soul Truths: The Journey from Grief to Peace Discover Life After Life

Episode 2: Based on the book “Soul Truths, The Journey from Grief to Peace”. This episode explores Remembering… The Expanding and Limiting Power of Beliefs
What are your beliefs on death? Are they based in a finality? What if you are creating your state of mind based on your beliefs?
How can it help you to utilize “what if thinking”? It opens you to different perspectives of your loved one’s passing. What if you some how had planned every aspect of your life? What if your loved one had planned their life in this way? Death is a birth. You can be empowered to move to peace by how you believe.
As we process grief, often we can experience the need to work through forgiveness. Perhaps forgiveness of yourself or forgiveness of your loved one. In the next episode we explore how forgiveness is truly a gift you give yourself.
Episode 2 Remembering and the Power of Belief
This hypnotic journey was created to assist you in your journey to teaching your mind and body how to relax and move inward to the wisdom that lives within you. Listening to this hypnotic journey regularly, your mind will begin to naturally create a deep inner awareness of your inner self, the essence of you, as well assisting you to naturally develop the awareness of the calm you can begin to experience helping you feel more grounded, more connected, and more at peace.
Remembering and the Power of Belief
Soul Truths: The Journey from Grief to Peace Discover Life After Life

Episode 3: Based on the book “Soul Truths, The Journey from Grief to Peace”. This episode explores Forgiveness is a Gift
Everything is energy. Holding unforgiveness for you or a loved one can hold you “down” and stuck.
Forgiveness often times is so misunderstood. Can holding unforgiveness can ever right a wrong? What is done is done. Unable to change the past, you do have the power to change the present and the future. Releasing unforgiveness opens the space for peace. This episode dives into the power and the gifts found in forgiveness.
How can you benefit most from the power of forgiveness? Often times we may wrongly blame ourself wishing, what if I did something different. Learn how there is power in forgiveness. What if our loved ones want us to be free from these types of heavier energies? Who can forgiveness honor? Releasing unforgiveness opens you up to truly stepping back into your inner power.
Episode3 Forgiveness is A Gift You Give Yourself
This hypnotic journey was created to assist you in your journey to assist you in releasing the pain and anguish that remains when holding unforgiveness. This pain is actually created by the mind and limited beliefs, and stores the resulting energetic pain of those limited beliefs into your body. Your body is your means of your Soul’s transportation of this lifetime. Releasing the heaviness of unforgiveness energies creates the space to restore and renew on all levels of your being.
Forgiveness is a Gift You Give Yourself
Soul Truths: The Journey from Grief to Peace Discover Life After Life

Episode 4: Based on the book “Soul Truths, The Journey from Grief to Peace”. This episode explores Step into Your Inner Power
Fear is a very real feeling at sometimes and at others, it sits below conscious awareness leaving you feeling restless and sometimes even anxious. Perhaps you have a loved one who is terminally ill or in the cycle of addiction. Perhaps, you are afraid of what to do now as your loved one has passed on.
All of these situations present the opportunity for fear to rob you of your peace. What if you knew that fear also can become a habitual unconscious reponse? This episode talks about how the feelings of fear can easily steal your power.
While you can’t change the world around you, what if you could take back your power by tapping into the power of your deep inner mind?
Episode 4 Step into Your Inner Power
This hypnotic journey was created to assist you in your journey to begin to help you recognize and experience that you are truly a magnificent eternal being. The saying “once you see something, you can’t unsee it” is how this journey will help you “see” yourself, your true self. As you remember what and whom you truly are, you will experience daily life from a more genuinely empowered perspective.
Step into Your Inner Power
Soul Truths: The Journey from Grief to Peace Discover Life After Life

Episode 5: Based on the book “Soul Truths, The Journey from Grief to Peace”. This episode explores Love is Eternal
Love is truly eternal. You and your loved ones are connected beyond space, time and our physical bodies. Your loved one’s energy lives on within you, forever within your heart and mind.
The journey from grief to peace is one I believe we remain on for the rest of our lives. It helped me to believe that Brendon would truly not want me to mourn his passing, yet to truly celebrate his life.
It’s not uncommon that well meaning people will utter the words, “isn’t it time you let go?” This episode talks about letting go of the pain, yet honoring and holding the true essence of your loved one knowing they live forever and you are connected by this love eternally.
Everyone’s journey is unique. The journey has choices along the way each day. It is really not ever about doing anything perfect, it is simply doing the best you can in that moment. Cry when you need to cry, tears are a shower for the Soul, but don’t remember to laugh and smile along the rest of your way. I believe focusing on love and celebrating life has the greatest potential to bring you peace on your journey.
Episode 5 Love is Eternal
This hypnotic journey was created to assist you in your journey to experience the eternalness of nature, yourself, and your loved one. Love, one of the most powerful emotional energies, that lives within each of us, and is carried by the light of the Soul forever. I believe it is the love you recieve that feeds and grows the light of Your Soul.
Love is Eternal
For more support on your grief journey and an opportunity for them to schedule a consult!