Becoming Limitless
Step 4 Consciousness
Consciousness Module

Awakening is a choice of the Soul. Many souls have incarnated on earth at this time to be part of this grand awakening process happening on Earth at this time.
Creating consciousness is a heart-felt desire of Divine. Awakening is a choice of the Soul. Many souls have incarnated on earth at this time to be part of this grand awakening process happening on Earth at this time. While each Soul is called, each Soul has a choice. Each Soul is on its own healing journey.
The Consciousness module moves you into the oneness of all that is – empowering you to shine the Light of Your Soul, and if you choose, to assist others on their Sacred Soul Journey.
This module moves you across the threshold from healing to healer. I believe in the truth that the Journey Back to Your Soul is “heal the healer”. Having moved through this powerful healing soul self-journey has now prepared you to move into the journey of healer.
That doesn’t necessarily mean you will work as a professional healer, while this path is an open possibility, the guidance you now access in your next steps is a clear and decided choice made in the awareness of your Sacred Soul Self. This module empowers you to share healing in a way that most resonates with your life’s purpose and your Soul’s Mission. As you move through this module, there is a new dawning of realization of how your journey is to continue.
The difference from where you began, to where you are at the end of this module, is you are now deeply connected, aware, and empowered by the Light of Your Sacred Soul Self. The word Merkaba means Soul Light Body. Each day forward on your continued journey is filled with new lessons, new learnings which continue to clear your energetic bodies and to embody your Merkaba – Your Soul Light Body.
The realization of the journey taken and the dreams that are now awakened now are all there for you as you walk in the full awareness and consciousness of all of Whom & What You Are.
Journey Back to Your Soul