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Step 1 Get Clarity
Clarity Module
Are you ready to finally gain clarity in your life so that you can experience the fulfilling life you imagine?
Clarity resets your perceptions, ultimately changing the way you experience your daily life. Gaining clarity by connecting mind to body, body to heart, opens your heart bridge and enables you to move deeper into the awareness of your Sacred Soul Self.
The journey through Clarity uncovers your current unconscious belief system that keeps you unknowingly imprisoned within the current map of your unconscious mind.
By establishing a conscious-unconscious connection, combined with powerful change tools that work with your unconscious (emotional mind), rapid shifts of releasing and renewing result in creating a clear connection of mind to body and body to heart, awakening a deep awareness of the true essence of your Being, an eternal Light that is within your heart.
This module assists you in gaining deep insights into how you work, the “blocks” that seem to be getting in the way of making your dreams a reality, and what is needed to set you free from the pain of limitations that seem to continually present themself when attempting to create true and lasting change.
Experiencing and learning the work and the day-to-day practical life-building tool set presented in the Clarity module will connect you to the essence of all that you are and empower you to create the life you deeply desire. One of the most wonderful results of this module is that the lessons are “cut and paste,” which essentially means that what you learn can be applied to all aspects of your life, including relationships, raising children, and the workplace.
This module prepares you to step into the full aspect of your Sacred Soul and opens you to the next module, Connect, which deepens these lessons and re-connects you to your Soul’s gifts and talents so you can learn how to tap into to all of the wisdom that is truly available to you. Your open heart is what creates the bridge for this connection.