Awaken Now and Live Life with Purpose

Part 4: Living Consciously Aware of Your Unconscious Mind and Awakening to Now
Now is all you really have. While that may sound so cliché, it really is something to consider. Time is something we collectively have made up, yet it is very much a part of our reality.
Tuning into your inner power and wisdom, you can learn how to use the power of the now in your everyday life, helping you to be on your conscious, awakened path.
Part of the work is to awaken. Exploring your inner world to discover how much “reality” is at play in your life because you have simply taken things at face value.
I invite you to really think about why you believe what you do? Have you ever considered what life was like about 200 plus years ago. Our lives today are very tangled in technology coming at us at warp speeds, containing way more information that our nervous system was actually mean to process.
The concept of “think for yourself” is to simply begin to create an awareness of what your mind is doing. How does your mind put your world together? Your feelings are an incredible resource to provide you with the workings of your inner mind.
It is also useful to recognize how often your focus of living is either in yesterday or tomorrow? All the gifts and resources are truly found in the present of now.
As you begin to live life by conscious choice and awareness, you can. Recognize that you are not your job, you are not your belongings, not your accomplishments, not your relationships, you are truly something so much more. You are an Eternal Being of Light.
Hypnotherapy has so many wonderful tools that help you become conscious of your unconscious mind. These tools that can help you work with the hurts of your heart, to help you create the today you so deeply desire to create. The tools can help you tune into daily, conscious awareness and support you in building new unconscious habits that help you stay in now.
Transpersonal Hypnotherapy recognizes you are so much more than a mind and a body. You are an Eternal Being made of Light and Love. As a Soul Guidance Sacred Mentor, I invite you to realize that part of the journey is to recognize how you can connect to your Higher Guidance. Science once again points to some incredible clues. Realize we only see 3% of what is around us, imagine how much more you can be utilizing to support you in your journey. What if you could learn that through tuning into your unconscious mind, you could then learn how to connect for higher guidance in living your every day life?
Please know you are on a journey, and it is your Soul’s Journey. Connecting to your higher self can be a great place to awaken your awareness that you are so much more than you have remembered. Connect to your Higher Self get immediate access to a hypnotic meditation to Your Sacred Soul Self.
Discover Your Life Purpose